How to stop talking yourself down

I confess – I am no good at receiving compliments. I’ve trained myself to say ‘thanks’ instead of ‘it’s nothing’ but I’m still usually in shock. Love my article? But it’s just what I do day in day out. You find my coaching insightful and powerful? But I just tell it how I see it. Love my presentation? But public speaking is so easy!

And I know how ridiculous this all sounds by the hundreds of you I can hear scoffing at the last point. Public speaking is not easy – not by a long shot.

So why do I downplay?

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The #1 secret of Magnetic Leaders

Have you ever been around someone who seems to generate their own positive stratosphere? Someone you can’t help being drawn to, appreciating their words of wisdom as well as their very presence?

I’ve had a few coaches that fit the bill. And the odd stand-out colleague. They’re the ones where you think, “I want to be like her when I grow up.”

Magnetic leaders are mesmerising, influential, and engaging. They’re generous, warm, and you just want to hang out in their bubble.

So what’s the secret?

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How to switch OFF at night

I know I am not the only hard-working entrepreneur or professional who has had this experience. Have you ever tossed and turned with a million things that need to be done, preferably yesterday? Been so lost in thought about your next project that your spouse has to ask you three times how your day went?

I thought so.


You too, huh?

Entrepreneurial types, whether self-employed or working for someone else, have massively creative brains.We are constantly focused on what next, how can I improve results, how can I meet targets, and wouldn’t it be fun to create another new product or service…

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Where leadership begins

It happened again. The first time was in Los Angeles at Ali Brown’s event. This time it was at ABBA Mania: I noticed that the people who were having the most fun were the ones in the front row. They danced more, they sang louder and they were whooping and leaping in joyful abandon.

The further you got from the stage, the quieter the cheers, the less enthusiastic the hip gyrations, and the more disdainful and recalcitrant the looks.

The best place in the whole room? The most joy was definitely coming from the stage. Whether it was Ali teaching information marketing or the 70s retro singers belting out tunes, whoever was on stage was fully present, totally committed, oozing passion and self-belief. I know I feel most connected and purposeful when I am up front and centre teaching and sharing.

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Should women lead differently?

The question addresses two things: Should women lead differently to what they are currently doing? And, do women do leadership differently to men?

Let’s start with the gender one as it’s a nice, juicy topic. Do women do leadership differently to men?

Instinctively women operate differently to men as leaders. They are good listeners and relationship builders; they are collaborative and consensus-building.

As leaders, men tend to be directive, pragmatic, and take things at face value. They tend to be more focused on getting things done than getting things discussed.

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