How to deal with change fatigue – what you’re missing

How would you feel if your department/organisation was assigned to move and merge with another department across town? Then you moved, created new routines for the family, adjusted to new colleagues, new floor plans and workspaces, new reporting structures and expectations. Then two years later were told that it was a mistake and you had to move back again?

Yes, I’d be bummed too.
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Three Skills To Master For Effortless Composure

Let’s face it, keeping cool under pressure isn’t easy. When someone is criticising our work, or disagreeing strongly with our perspective, or doing something that is clearly unfair and unreasonable, who hasn’t felt the heat rising and the urge to snarl surge through the veins…

Blurting out something in frustration, or interrupting, or arguing are all signs we’ve dropped our bundle.

We may also be heading for disaster. There are three things at risk when we lose composure:
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The Secret to Drama Free Work

I used to work with a woman who really shone in a crisis. She was a pool of reflected water; nothing rippled on her surface.

One problem. She was the one who caused the crisis! She fed on drama. She would plant little seeds of worry and concern, and when others eventually erupted in a panic, she was there to smooth things over. She liked being the rescuer.

There are three key types of drama rabble rousers, and one who defuses chaos instead. These archetypes play out based on attention to two things:
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How To Avoid Pooh Bombs In The Boardroom

“I’ve been looking at the numbers and they say we essentially have too many staff for the business we have.”

This was my naïve and good intentioned remark when I was a bit younger to address a significant strategic issue. I was proud of myself for being a leader in raising the topic.

What I hadn’t expected was the seismic reaction from my colleagues.

I thought we would move next to the discussion on strategic interventions to rectify the situation such as increasing marketing, exploring new leads, and all-hands-on-deck to find new work. I expressed it as a rally cry. Or so I thought.
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Grace Under Fire

When he said it, it struck deep like a sword on fire.

Youre such a wimp.

Me. A wimp. Me, who has paddled thousands of miles in Canadian wilderness. Me, who has led a six-week canoe trip in remote Ontario. Me, who has planted trees in rugged, isolated camps for weeks on end, living in a tent. This was years ago when I was a young woman discovering the world. I was perhaps naïve.

But I was no wimp.

I felt the rage and indignant fury swell within me. I just seethed, turned to him and said, I. Am Not. A. Wimp.

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Why smart people make dumb leadership decisions

Smart people who accomplish much in their chosen profession are often promoted to leadership roles under the assumption, ‘they are good at their job as a lawyer / accountant / engineer / doctor / academic, they’ll be great as team leader’. Sometimes that assumption is right. Often it is wrong.

Team management is an entirely different set of skills and awareness than what is required for execution of specific professional roles.

There are key mistakes that smart people make as leaders:
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